作者:佚名;来源:网络;时间:2022-11-21 19:57;浏览:1292




中国共产党:the Communist Party of China

改革开放:reform and opening up

红色革命文化:red revolutionary culture

廉政建设:build a clean and honest government

主权国家:sovereign state

行动方针:action policy/course of action




人权:human rights

工人阶级:the working class

基层群众:the grass roots

政党人员:party personnel

不正之风:bad/unhealthy tendency (practice)

奔小康:strive for a better-off life

持续发展:sustainable development

全国人民代表大会:the National People's Congress

坚持一个中国立场:stick to one-China position

社会主义物质文明:socialist material civilization

社会主义精神文明:socialist spiritual civilization

综合国力:comprehensive national strength

建立社会主义制度:establish a socialist system

进入新时代:enter a new era

国际竞争力:international competitiveness

高举伟大旗帜:hold high the great banner

进行战略性调整:make strategic readjustment

维护世界和平:maintain/safeguard world peace

实现发展繁荣:bring about development and prosperity

消除贫困:eliminate/reduce/get rid of poverty

社会主义核心价值观:socialist core values


中国共青团:Communist Youth League of China

“一带一路”绿色发展:green development of Belt and Road

北京冬残奥运会体育代表队:Chinese delegation for the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games

2022年发展主要预期目标:main projected targets for development in 2022

中国人权发展道路:China's path of human rights development

北京冬奥会闭幕:curtain falls on Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

六税两费:six local taxes and two fees

烈士褒扬:commending martyrs

美丽中国:Beautiful China initiative

五四青年节:China's Youth Day

深化医药卫生体制改革:further reform of the medical and health care system

乡村建设行动实施方案:action plan on rural construction

北京冬奥会中国体育代表团:delegation for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games
